Saturday, December 19, 2009

winter break..x-mas

Well it's finally over.. the first semester under my belt.. it was a test run to see how well I would be able to handle it.. well I think it went pretty well.. I made it through both classes with an A in one and not sure with the other yet.. But I'm glad that I went through it.. and I have figured out that I can do and I will be doing even more next semester with getting 12 credits in.. I'm thinking this is going to be more of a challenge but I'm looking forward to it! I'll have the summer off to spend more time with my kids.. Like the first semester, I also have 1 x-mas done this year.. we had our first x-mas today at our house with the in-laws.. went really well.. we had LOTS of food and then we opened presents and hung out.. very relaxing for once.. must of been because the "crazy" sister in law and family couldn't make it.. you know the type.. the ones that every one dreads.. I know this is mean of me but I can't help it.. she causes a lot of tension when she's around for some reason! oh well I guess it makes life more interesting and gives everyone else extra character to learn how to deal with these types of people! LOL!!
Well I hope everyone has a Very Merry Christmas and a Safe and Happy New Years!! until next time!!!

Sunday, December 13, 2009


What a fast weekend! Sister in law took the kids so Santa could do his shopping.. what a wild time that was.. the traffic on the outside was way more worse than navigating the stores!! It took 20-25 minutes to get through the 3 stop lights by the mall! that's just crazy! Walmart was crazy busy too!! and you definitely need to comparison shop before going there. They have good deals but like any other store you have need to compare. Toys R us had some awesome deals too.. I just wish the stores would at least set their prices some what closer to each other so I don't have to run to 5 different stores to get a better deal.. because to me its worth the running if I'm saving $5 or more on an item to run the extra mile... But at the same time if the store that has the better deal is only a $1 or more on the next item I'd save that in gas and the store would make more money! Oh well.. the one thing I have figured out is to eat supper at around 4pm if you're eating out.. you get great service .. your food comes fast and hot! and you get the quiet of very few other people having figured the early supper thing.. and then when everyone else is eating supper you get some little less crowded stores.. :) Well silly season is almost over.. I hope everyone has a very Happy and safe Christmas and New Years!! til next time!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

silly season

I can't believe it's already Dec.1st!! where did this year go? way to fast that's for sure.. and just think its only 24 more days til Xmas unless of course you celebrate it early like we do.. on the 19th this year for one part of the family so then that means I have 18 days or less to shop and then the next deadline is 23 days being we have some more celebrating on the 24th, which of course I guess the 24th will be the final deadline if we don't want to disappoint the young ones with Santa coming while they are sleeping.. lol so much to do with so little time.. its a wonder people go crazy this time of year! some of us working full time, going to school part time and having a family and now we're suppose to get all our Xmas shopping done in a few weeks.. I'm just amazed at how fast it all catches up, with Halloween then before you know its thanksgiving and then decorating.. making lefse for us Norwegians.. shopping, wrapping presents, baking goodies.. with all that said.. I have to say its one of my favorite times of the year.. I think it's because with all the things that there is to do it makes winter and the cold go that much faster for me and before we know its time to clean up that camper sitting in the back yard and start all over again! Well time to get moving on some of my end of the year stuff to do.. until next time!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

end of another season

Well it's a end of another camping season! Now normally this would affect me in a sad way but this year I was kind of looking forward to the end to come! I do love camping but there does come a time when it feels great to be home on the weekends too! Kids are getting to the age of where they get to restless to just be sitting in the camper when it's to cold to do much outside and for me watching "13 going on 30" for the billionth time gets old! Its a really cute movie and my kids love it but after the about first few times Mom is ready for home and other entertainment! LOL! So Saturday we packed up the campsite and brought the camper home and put it in the drive way to finish cleaning it out this week and get it in the back yard until next spring, when I'll be anxiously waiting to pack it back up and set it up again for another season to get over the cabin fever I'll have by then!! But for now back to watching the dreadful packer/viking game!! Until next time!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

here's the one blog I missed a couple of weeks ago!

HI!! This is sorta fitting for my last blog for this week of procrastination!! I'm making up for a blog I'm behind on. Not sure how many weeks ago.. but I know I need one.. anyway, this next Thursday and Friday my kids don't have school.. and I have class on Thursday and it's a trip to the library.. so I'm kind of in a pickle with really not wanting to miss class so I talked with Mrs. Allard and decided to bring the kids with! Now this sounds like the easiest solution but at the same time makes me kind of nervous.. my kids are good but at the same time you just never know how they will act! A long with my 2, I will have a 3rd one with being I have an agreement with his mom that I take him on the days there's no school and during the summer and she takes my kids after school.. which works out great until it comes to when their days off intervene with my school days.. I'm calling it school shadowing instead of job shadowing. I think it'll be kind of fun for the kids to see what it's like to go to college and that its really not to much different than what they are doing, of course minus the type of homework! My kids are really excited to come with me, which I am too! So we'll see how it goes and maybe I'll write about it again next time. so now off to my weekend! bye for now!

Thursday, October 22, 2009


MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.... is a good way to start this one! I could probally take this one in so many directions.. But for today I'm writing about procrastination because I've been really good at it lately.. I know I have to be somewhere but instead of getting ready and then doing whatever it is I want to do, I do it the other way around and do what I want to get done first leaving me very little time to get ready to go to what I HAVE to do! I haven't figured out why I do this.. but lately it's starting to get annoying to me, never mind anyone that might be waiting for me! LOL drives my husband crazy, even though I hate to be late to things, I will put off until the very last minute to get it done.. for the most part I'm talking about having to be somewhere be it a family function or work or school.. as of lately I'm not sure if its because of the weather or lack of sleep, or how about a full moon? LOL! I could probally find just about any excuse right now.. I'm thinking thats not neccessarily any of those things and that I'm liking the challenge of time! So I do what I think I should get done around home or otherwise and then head to the shower to see if I can beat the clock and get done with my shower, make-up and hair, dressed, shoes on and out the door by the time I should be going out the door.. and if I can't make it in quite the right time frame then its a challenge with the things I can't control like time, traffic and other people. Why I do this to myself I'm still not sure because like a lot of other things there are way more fun ways to challenge ones self! I'm thinking it might be because I get an addrenal rush racing the things I can't control and defeating the odds that are naturally against you! I think after today I'm going to have to start rethinking a new way of challenging myself and start with a very small step of not procrastinating while the odds are still on my side!! Well for now that means getting some homework done before I head to my refresher first aid training for work. I hope anyone who is reading this has a great weekend!! til next time!

Sunday, October 11, 2009


All I can say is BRRRR!! It's way to early to be this cold.. but I'm stubborn enough and I'm not turning the heat on yet! We do have a little electric fireplace that seems to doing great so far so that's helping out a lot.. This weekend we hung out at home and worked on the basement. Got the padding and the carpet laid down in the basement and the old big screen down there with a pompazan chair, turned out pretty good.. only one what I call down fall with the tv being a 53" big screen self contained my husband had to take out the bottom stairs and landing and put up a board up to slide the tv down to the basement which is okay if you're not afraid of falling in open holes like I am! I had to stand on the bottom step going upstairs and the threshold to the basement/garage door to help lift it over to the board to be lower to my husband who is standing in the basement.. Now I should of used this experience for my "out of the box" essay!! I'm totally not comfortable in that kind of situation, but all is good now. We did make it out of the house to go to a flea market in Viroqua, Its huge like rummage sale type place in a old tobacco barn, just as cold in there as it was outside but it was worth it.. I found a solid oak quilt rack for $30!! a steal! Well not much else to say for now, So til next time!

Sunday, October 4, 2009


It's Sunday and I'm a couple days late with my blog this week.. so I'll have to do two of them.. We weren't home much this weekend not because of camping this week.. way to cold and rainy for that but because we were shopping for Halloween decorations for the house and some shopping for carpet to finish one side of the basement for a family/rec room.. I'm kind of excited about having another room for the kids to hang out in and play video games , watch movies etc.. and for me to have a place to put my elliptical so that I'll actually use it! unlike the treadmill I just sold! LOL mind you I just got my elliptical so I'll have to give you and update on that one later! Well this one is going to be short this time.. kids want to get out and decorate the house. We've slacked on that the last couple of years but now with them bigger and older to help out it's going to be a lot of fun! So til next time!!

Friday, September 25, 2009


Well It's another Friday and I'm trying to decide what to write.. I asked my husband who wasn't much help.. LOL So like the last couple classes I guess I'm going to do some improv writing, with random thoughts of whats going on.. Like its been raining most of the day so that pretty much wipes camping out for tonight anyway.. we'll be heading down tomorrow.. not sure if we'll make it to the parade or not.. but definitely will make to the camper. As for tonight my son is in his glory with us staying home ... It's homecoming weekend for Westby so he's actually over to the game by himself as I'm writing this, mind you we live right across the street from the football field... he's definitely a social butterfly at the early age of 7 3/4 as he would say. It's Viola's horse and colt show this weekend too, we usually go to the truck and tractor pulls which the family loves to watch but this year with everything happening on the same weekend we won't be going to that either. So for tonight hubby and I are gonna hang out and watch the new episode of Ghost Whisper have a couple drinks and relax. Tomorrow we'll meet up with some new friends that will be camping by us and sit around the campfire sucking up the heat and awesome smell of wood burning, not to many more weekends before the season ends. Well enough rambling for now, time for some comfy clothes, a good drink and a seat by my honey on the sectional to watch some serious tv and the score of the football game across the street! Until next time, Have a good one!!

P.s. We're old with little kids!!! LOL!!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Finally Friday!

It's finally Friday!! I'm new to this blogging thing for the most part, I've done facebook and myspace which is similar but not quite the same as this, so coming up with ideas to blog about is a challenge. This week I'm keeping with my theme of random tidbits just cause which brings me to my favorite day of the week, Friday. Finally Friday to me is so awesome! It's the end of the week but also the start of hopefully an awesome weekend. The end of my week means I'm leaving behind sleep exhaustion from working 10 hour nights, leaving the house (or school) at 3pm and getting home at 3am and getting to bed by 4am and getting back up at 7am to get my two kids up and ready for school, and them Maybe a nap for about an hour to get up and clean house, school work and normal living stuff then off to work again. Doing this routine Monday thru Thursday til Friday. This Friday was alittle better than most Fridays in the sense the kids had off of school today so we all got to sleep in alittle bit with no worries or hurries to race into the new day. When we get motivated to get going the kids play and mom finishes up homework and any loose ends to have a relaxing weekend at the camper. Packing clothes, food and bikes as the two dogs race around anticipating the weekend also! Its a routine even the newest puppy "Ellie" reconnizes. When dad gets home from work, we load up and head to the river, where we unload, set everything up and make a fire, grab a comfy chair and our favorite drinks, ahhhh time to relax finally Friday!! So now to finish up so I can get to my favorite day. Hope everyone has a fun and safe weekend! Til next time, have a good one!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A little bit about me

Hi! I'm Shelly, born and raised in LaCrosse, Wi. I've been married for 16yrs and we have two wonderful kids, a son who will be 8 in november and is in the second grade and our daughter who just turned 5 years old and started kindergarten this year. Mom was more nervous than she was! I work nights as a welder at Trane company, I've been there for 15 1/2 yrs without the possibility to get on a dayshift schedule which was okay til now with both the kids in school all day I have free time, so I've decided to go back to school to have a job that I want instead of something that I have to do and hopefully on a dayshift schedule. I'm nervous and excited all in one. In my free time I like to walk, bike, boating. I'm a tomboy in a sense of I use to own a motorcycle and snowmobile. I like hunting, watching movies, playing games, doing puzzles and going to truck pulls. I guess I am pretty open minded to just about anything and willing to try new things. I love camping and traveling. We have a seasonal site at Goose Island that we spend most of our weekends at. Well thats alittle bit about me, so until the next time, Have a great day!