Sunday, December 13, 2009


What a fast weekend! Sister in law took the kids so Santa could do his shopping.. what a wild time that was.. the traffic on the outside was way more worse than navigating the stores!! It took 20-25 minutes to get through the 3 stop lights by the mall! that's just crazy! Walmart was crazy busy too!! and you definitely need to comparison shop before going there. They have good deals but like any other store you have need to compare. Toys R us had some awesome deals too.. I just wish the stores would at least set their prices some what closer to each other so I don't have to run to 5 different stores to get a better deal.. because to me its worth the running if I'm saving $5 or more on an item to run the extra mile... But at the same time if the store that has the better deal is only a $1 or more on the next item I'd save that in gas and the store would make more money! Oh well.. the one thing I have figured out is to eat supper at around 4pm if you're eating out.. you get great service .. your food comes fast and hot! and you get the quiet of very few other people having figured the early supper thing.. and then when everyone else is eating supper you get some little less crowded stores.. :) Well silly season is almost over.. I hope everyone has a very Happy and safe Christmas and New Years!! til next time!!

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